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e-oligos Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

At Gene Link, we respect your privacy and are committed to protecting it. We are committed to building customer trust by demonstrating this respect in every aspect of our marketing activities. If at any time you feel that Gene Link is not following its stated privacy policy, please feel free to contact us at 1-800-GENE-LINK with your concerns. The points below summarize our promise to you.

• The information you provide to Gene Link through our website or any other channel will be used only to provide you with communications that are relevant to your needs and preferences.

• This information is held in strict confidence and will never be sold, traded or rented to other companies, individuals or entities for their marketing use.

• Every general communication message that you receive from Gene Link will provide you with the opportunity to be removed from future information exchanges.

• You may also send an email to cust_service@genelink.com to request removal from our email or postal mail list. Please type the word "REMOVE" in the subject line and include your name, company name and the list(s) from which you would like to be removed.

• Upon request, we will provide you with a summary of the information you have provided to Gene Link. This information will be provided only to the email address on file for the customer making the request. You will be able to change, correct or remove any information at any time. The contact for such requests is cust_service@genelink.com .

• Following website registration our site will use "session cookies" to help provide relevant information to you during your visit. The cookies are only accessible by Gene Link while you are visiting our site.

• You may terminate your website registration at any time by sending an email to cust_service@genelink.com.


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February 23, 2025 e-oligos(tm) is a brand of Gene Link. e-oligos(tm) and the binary helix(tm) All graphic art is a trade mark of Gene Link, Inc. Copyright 2025
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