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Custom Oligonucleotide Synthesis
Fluorescent Molecular Probes and Primers
RNAi & Custom siRNA Synthesis
RNA and 2' O methyl Oligos
Antisense Oligos
Stock Primers & Probes
Oligo Design Tools
siRNA:RNA Interference
Random Primers
Stock Primers
Long Oligos upto 250 mer
Technical Bulletin
Oligo Purification PAGE / RPC
Gel purification is advised for all oligos used for clonning applications and for oligos longer than 50 mer.
Oligo Design and Analysis
e-oligos has been leading the way by providing the most user friendly online experience in oligo ordering.
Long Oligos
We specialize in the synthesis of long oligos upto 250 mer in length.

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October 22, 2024 e-oligos(tm) is a brand of Gene Link. e-oligos(tm) and the binary helix(tm) All graphic art is a trade mark of Gene Link, Inc. Copyright 2024
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